Welcome to the Nazareth Church of Christ

The Nazareth Church of Christ

In the hometown of Christ and the birth of Christianity, the Nazareth Church of Christ's property, which is located in the heart of the city, was bought in 1964 and mission began by Ernest Stewart and Ralph Henley.

In 1971, Maurice Jadon was converted and baptized into Christ through a mission trip carried out by George Baily. He began his work and association with the church in the region. He was the song leader at Sunday services, and he interpreted sermons and bible classes that were given by missionaries to local people.
Phillip Hall
New multi-use building
Nazareth Church of Christ
Our history, present and future
Future Projects
Our plans and vision
City of Nazareth
What you need to know
Connect with Us
Be involved in the Lord's work
Meet with us: Sunday 10am, Wednesday 6.30pm
P.O.Box 2235, 6009 Street, Namsawi Quarter
Nazareth, 1641193, Israel
You can call internationally to this number +972-52-266-0942
or you can send a WhatsApp Message
You can email using this account mauricej@013net.net